When you usually think of Spring cleaning, it involves a broom, mop and bucket. Not this kind, we’re talking the maintenance of your most used item in your home or office. It has to be your computer, right! With the constant use day in, day out, it can sometimes be the most underlooked product in […]
The first step we take when we’re employed by any new client is RESEARCH. We learn about them, their competitors and their customers. By learning what their target audience is shopping for we can better understand how we need to structure their website to market to these consumers. WHO’S YOUR IDEAL CLIENT? We create an […]
SEO, it’s one of the most used words by most website designers today, if you have a lot of content, or ‘words’ on your website, you can rank higher on Google. To find the right keywords to use throughout your site, most web designers will offer SEO keyword research. They can bring you a content […]
With our first blog on our website we thought the best topic to start with would be about blogging! Content creation is a huge part of having a successful website, by adding blogs to your site, you can increase your SEO. A blog on your website is one of the easiest and cost effective ways [...]